The 30-share BSE Sensex fell 119.45 points to 25960.03 and the 50-share NSE Nifty declined 32.70 points to 7896.25. The market breadth remained positive as about 1386 shares advanced against 1276 declining shares on the BSE.
Sensex 25,973.48, down 106 points, Nifty50 7,900.65, down 28 points
Top Gainers:
TATA STEEL (1.3%), DR. REDDYS LAB (1.2%), NTPC (0.9%), TATA MOTORS (0.7%), GAIL (0.7%)
Top Losers:
SBI (1.2%), TCS (1.1%), INFOSYS (0.9%), ICICI BANK (0.8%), MARUTI SUZUKI (0.8%)
Sensex 25,973.48, down 106 points, Nifty50 7,900.65, down 28 points
Top Gainers:
TATA STEEL (1.3%), DR. REDDYS LAB (1.2%), NTPC (0.9%), TATA MOTORS (0.7%), GAIL (0.7%)
Top Losers:
SBI (1.2%), TCS (1.1%), INFOSYS (0.9%), ICICI BANK (0.8%), MARUTI SUZUKI (0.8%)
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Today market news by Epic Research the Sensex is down 81.75 points or 0.32% at 25622.86, and the Nifty down 22.95 points or 0.29% at 7847.20.